Israeli tanks reach central Rafah as strikes continue

Rushdi Abu Alouf,David GrittenShare

Reuters A man and a young boy walk among ruins in Rafah

Israeli forces have reportedly reached the centre of the southern Gaza city of Rafah and seized a strategically important hill overlooking the nearby border with Egypt.

Witnesses and local journalists said tanks were stationed at al-Awda roundabout, which is considered a key landmark.

They also said tanks were on Zoroub Hill, effectively giving Israel control of the Philadelphi Corridor – a narrow strip of land running along the border to the sea.

The Israeli military said its troops were continuing activities against “terror targets” in Rafah, three weeks after it launched the ground operation there.

Western areas of the city also came under intense bombardment overnight, residents said, despite international condemnation of an Israeli air strike and a resulting fire on Sunday that killed dozens of Palestinians at a tented camp for displaced people.

The Israeli military said it was investigating the possibility that the fire was caused by the explosion of weapons stored by Hamas in the vicinity.

It also denied reports from local health and emergency services officials on Tuesday afternoon that tank shells had hit another camp in al-Mawasi, on the coast west of Rafah, killing at least 21 people.

Reuters news agency cited local health officials as saying the blast occurred after Israeli tank shells hit a cluster of tents in al-Mawasi on Tuesday. An official in the Hamas-run civil defence force also told AFP there had been a deadly Israeli strike on tents.

Videos posted to social media and analysed by BBC Verify showed multiple people with serious injuries, some lying motionless on the ground, near tents and other temporary structures.

There was no clear sign of a blast zone or crater, making it impossible to ascertain the cause of the incident. The location – verified through reference to surrounding buildings – is between Rafah and al-Mawasi, and lies south of the IDF’s designated humanitarian zone.

The IDF said in a statement: “Contrary to the reports from the last few hours, the IDF did not strike in the humanitarian area in al-Mawasi.”

Israel has insisted that victory in its seven-month war with Hamas in Gaza is impossible without taking Rafah and rejected warnings that it could have catastrophic humanitarian consequences.

The UN says around a million people have now fled the fighting in Rafah, but several hundred thousand more could still be sheltering there.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) began what they called “targeted” ground operations against Hamas fighters and infrastructure in the east of Rafah on 6 May.

Since then, tanks and troops have gradually pushed into built-up eastern and central areas while also moving northwards along the 13km (8-mile) border with Egypt.

On Tuesday, they reportedly reached the city centre for the first time.

The al-Awda roundabout, which is only 800m (2,600 ft) from the border, is the location of major banks, government institutions, businesses, and shops.

One witness said they saw soldiers position themselves at the top of a building overlooking the roundabout and then begin to shoot at anyone who was moving.

Video posted online meanwhile showed tank track marks on a road about 3km west of al-Awda roundabout and 300m from the Indonesian field hospital, which was damaged overnight.

Reuters A Palestinian girl sits on top of possessions being transported by a cart in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip (28 May 2024)
The UN says around a million people have fled Rafah since the start of the Israeli ground operation in the city

Earlier, residents told the BBC that tanks seized Zoroub Hill, about 2.5km north-west of al-Awda roundabout, after gun battles with Hamas-led fighters.

The hill is highest point along the Egyptian border and its seizure means the entire Gazan side of the border is now effectively under Israeli control.

Zoroub Hill also overlooks western Rafah, where residents said there had been the heaviest air and artillery strikes overnight since the start of the Israeli operation.

A local journalist said the bombardment forced hundreds of families to seek temporary shelter in the courtyard of a hospital, while ambulances struggled to reach casualties in the affected areas.

At dawn, thousands of people were seen heading north, crammed into cars and lorries and onto carts pulled by donkeys and horses.

“The explosions are rattling our tent, my children are frightened, and my sick father makes it impossible for us to escape the darkness,” resident Khaled Mahmoud told the BBC.

“We are supposed to be in a safe zone according to the Israeli army, yet we have not received evacuation orders like those in the eastern [Rafah] region,” he added. “We fear for our lives if no-one steps in to protect us.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) did not comment on the various reports but put out a statement saying that “overnight troops operated on the Philadelphi Corridor while conducting precise operational activity based on intelligence indicating the presence of terror targets in the area”.

“The activity is being conducted as efforts are continuing to be made in order to prevent harm to uninvolved civilians in the area,” it added.

“The troops are engaging with terrorists in close-quarters combat and locating terror tunnel shafts, weapons, and additional terrorist infrastructure in the area.”

The IDF has told civilians in eastern Rafah to evacuate for their own safety to an “expanded humanitarian area” stretching from al-Mawasi, a coastal area just north of Rafah, to the central town of Deir al-Balah.

EPA A Palestinian woman reacts next to tents destroyed by a fire triggered by an Israeli air strike in western Rafah on Sunday, in the southern Gaza Strip (28 May 2024)
Israel’s prime minister said the killing of civilians in an air strike and resulting fire in Rafah on Sunday was a “tragedy”

On Sunday night, at least 45 people – more than half of them children, women and the elderly – were killed when an Israeli air strike triggered a huge fire in a camp for displaced people near a UN logistics base in the Tal al-Sultan area, according to the Hamas-run health ministry.

Hundreds more were treated for severe burns, fractures and shrapnel wounds.

The IDF said it was targeting two senior Hamas officials in the attack, which happened hours after Hamas fighters in south-eastern Rafah launched rockets towards the Israeli city of Tel Aviv for the first time in months.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said a “tragic incident” had occurred “despite our immense efforts to avoid harming non-combatants” and promised a thorough investigation.

IDF chief spokesman Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said on Tuesday that the strike had targeted a structure used by the Hamas commanders which was away from any tents, using “two munitions with small warheads”.

“Following this strike, a large fire ignited for reasons that are still being investigated. Our munitions alone could not have ignited a fire of this size,” he said.

Rear Adm Hagari added that investigators were looking into the possibility that the fire was caused by the explosion of weapons or ammunition stored in a nearby structure, and played what he said was an intercepted telephone conversation between two Gazans suggesting that. The audio recording could not immediately be verified.

Sam Rose of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, Unrwa, told the BBC from western Rafah that the killing of so many civilians could not be dismissed as an accident.

“Gaza was already one of the most overcrowded places on the planet. It is absolutely impossible to prosecute a military campaign involving large-scale munitions, strikes from the sky, the sea, the tanks, without exacting large-scale civilian casualties,” he said.

“It seems like we are plumbing new depths of horror, bloodshed and brutality with every single day. And if this isn’t a wake-up call, then it’s hard to see what will be.”

Last week, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered Israel to “immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part”.

Israel launched a military campaign in Gaza to destroy Hamas in response to the group’s cross-border attack on southern Israel on 7 October, during which about 1,200 people were killed and 252 others were taken hostage.

At least 36,090 people have been killed in Gaza since then, according to the Hamas-run health ministry.

Russian plot to kill Zelensky foiled, Kyiv says

Telegram/SBU Footage shows a man being arrested
Ukraine said it arrested two Ukrainian officials who worked with the Russian security services

The Ukrainian security service (SBU) says it has foiled a Russian plot to assassinate President Volodymyr Zelensky and other high-ranking Ukrainian officials.

Two Ukrainian government protection unit colonels have been arrested.

The SBU said they were part of a network of agents belonging to the Russian state security service (FSB).

They had reportedly been searching for willing “executors” among Mr Zelensky’s bodyguards to kidnap and kill him.

Ever since Russian paratroopers attempted to land in Kyiv and assassinate President Zelensky in the early hours and days of the full-scale invasion, plots to assassinate him have been commonplace.

The Ukrainian leader said at the start of the invasion he was Russia’s “number one target”.

But this alleged plot stands out from the rest. It involves serving colonels, whose job it was to keep officials and institutions safe, allegedly hired as moles.

Other targets included military intelligence head Kyrylo Budanov and SBU chief Vasyl Malyuk, the agency added.

The group had reportedly planned to kill Mr Budanov before Orthodox Easter, which this year fell on 5 May.

According to the SBU, the plotters had aimed to use a mole to get information about his location, which they would then have attacked with rockets, drones and anti-tank grenades.

One of the officers who was later arrested had already bought drones and anti-personnel mines, the SBU said.

Telegram/SBU An anti-tank grenade
The SBU said it found various ordnance, including an anti-tank grenade, on the plotters

SBU head Vasyl Malyuk said the attack was supposed to be “a gift to Putin before the inauguration” – referring to Russia’s Vladimir Putin who was sworn in for a fifth term as president at the Kremlin on Tuesday.

The operation turned into a failure of the Russian special services, Mr Malyuk said.

“But we must not forget – the enemy is strong and experienced, he cannot be underestimated,” he added.

The two Ukrainian officials are being held on suspicion of treason and of preparing a terrorist act.

The SBU said three FSB employees oversaw the organisation and the attack.

One of them, named as Dmytro Perlin, had been recruiting “moles” since before Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.

Another FSB employee, Oleksiy Kornev, reportedly held “conspiratorial” meetings “in neighbouring European states” before the invasion with one of the Ukrainian colonels arrested.

In a released interrogation with one of the suspects, they can be heard describing how they were paid thousands of dollars directly by parcels or indirectly through their relatives. It is not clear whether he was speaking under duress or not.

Investigators insist they monitored the men throughout. We are unlikely to know how close they came to carrying out their alleged plan.

The plot may read like a thriller but it is also a reminder of the risks Ukraine’s wartime leader faces.

Last month, a Polish man was arrested and charged with planning to co-operate with Russian intelligence services to aid a possible assassination of Mr Zelensky.

At the weekend Ukraine’s president appeared on the Russian interior ministry’s wanted list on unspecified charges.

The foreign ministry in Kyiv condemned the move as showing “the desperation of the Russian state machine and propaganda”, and pointed out that the International Criminal Court had issued a warrant for Vladimir Putin’s arrest.

Australian PM calls Elon Musk an ‘arrogant billionaire’ in row over attack footage

Reuters Elon MuskReutersElon Musk (pictured) has accused Anthony Albanese of censorship

Australia’s leader has called Elon Musk an “arrogant billionaire” in an escalating feud over X’s reluctance to remove footage of a church stabbing.

On Monday, an Australian court ordered Mr Musk’s social media firm – formerly called Twitter – to hide videos of last week’s attack in Sydney.

X previously said it would comply “pending a legal challenge”.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s criticism followed Mr Musk using a meme to accuse his government of censorship.

On Tuesday, Mr Albanese told ABC News that Mr Musk “thinks he’s above the law but also above common decency”.

Last week Australia’s eSafety Commissioner, an independent regulator, threatened X and other social media companies with hefty fines if they did not remove videos of the stabbing at the Assyrian Christ the Good Shepherd church, which police have called a terror attack.

X has argued the order is “not within the scope of Australian law”.

The commissioner sought a court injunction after saying it was clear that X was allowing users outside Australia to continue accessing footage.

“I find it extraordinary that X chose not to comply and are trying to argue their case,” Mr Albanese told a press briefing.

In a subsequent series of online posts, Mr Musk wrote: “I’d like to take a moment to thank the PM for informing the public that this platform is the only truthful one.” Another depicted a Wizard of Oz-style path to “freedom” leading to an X logo.

Earlier, he also criticised eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant personally, describing her as the “Australian censorship commissar”.

Mr Albanese defended Ms Inman Grant, saying she was protecting Australians.

“Social media needs to have social responsibility with it. Mr Musk is not showing any,” he said.

The platform will have 24 hours to comply with Monday evening’s injunction, with a further hearing into the matter expected in the coming days.

Ganjar Usai Sidang di MK: Kami Ingin Demokrasi Diselamatkan!


Pemohon Ganjar Pranowo dan Mahfud MD menghadiri sidang perdana sengketa hasil Pemilihan Presiden (Pilpres) 2024 di Gedung Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK), Jakarta, Rabu (27/3/2024). (CNBC Indonesia/Faisal Rahman) Foto: Mahfud MD (kiri) dan Ganjar Pranowo (kanan) di Gedung MK, Jakarta. (CNBC Indonesia/Faisal Rahman)

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Sidang sengketa Perselisihan Hasil Pemilihan Umum (PHPU) dengan pemohon capres dan cawapres nomor urut 03, Ganjar Pranowo dan Mahfud MD, di gedung Mahkamah Konstitusi, Jakarta, Rabu (27/3/2024), telah selesai digelar.

Baca: Tim Ganjar Beberkan 3 Nepotisme Jokowi Demi Menangkan Prabowo-Gibran

Dalam keterangan pers setelah sidang, Ganjar mengatakan sudah menyampaikan apa yang seharusnya disampaikan. “Intinya kami ingin demokrasi ini diselamatkan,” ujarnya.

Menurut Ganjar, Ganjar-Mahfud mengingatkan kepada seluruh warga negara bahwa agenda reformasi tidak boleh dikangkangi dan semua harus dijalankan dalam koridor konstitusi.

“Termasuk seluruh proses yang ada, dan kami berharap betul, inilah benteng terakhir untuk memperbaiki semuanya itu, dan tentu saja kami akan menyerahkan seluruhnya kepada hakim konstitusi,” katanya.

Mahfud menambahkan permohonan yang disampaikan Ganjar-Mahfud sederhana. Eks ketua MK itu pun bilang kalau MK pernah berjaya dan dihargai orang karena bisa membangun demokrasi yang hampir tenggelam.

“Bisa menyelesaikan ketimpangan-ketimpangan dalam pemilu, sehingga jadi tempat-tempat ujian bukan dari info pengetahuan tapi juga dari praktisi hukum dari berbagai negara,” ujar Mahfud.

“Oleh sebab itu, MK sekarang ini berani apa ndak? Mau apa tidak mengembalikan muruah MK dengan menjaga demokrasi dan konstitusi kita,” lanjutnya.

Lebih lanjut, Mahfud mengingatkan sungguh bahaya masa depan bangsa ini kalau timbul persepsi yang bisa memenangkan pemilu itu hanya yang punya kekuasaan.

“Yang berkolaborasi dengan orang yang punya uang. Mundur peradaban kita kalau MK tidak mau meraih kembali kejayaannya. Itu saja,” kata

China Disebut Diam-Diam Menyusup ke Pemilu Inggris, Begini Modusnya


Ilustrasi bendera Inggris dan China. (File Photo Reuters) Foto: Ilustrasi bendera Inggris dan China. (File Photo Reuters)

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – China dilaporkan telah ikut campur dalam pemilihan umum (pemilu) Inggris tahun ini. Hal ini dilaporkan oleh para pejabat London yang menyebut beberapa pejabat telah diretas.

Sebanyak 43 orang anggota parlemen dan rekan-rekannya diperkirakan telah menjadi sasaran serangan dunia maya yang didukung oleh negara China. Sebanyak 40 juta warga yang terdaftar sebagai pemilih tahun ini pun juga disebut tak luput dari akses data secara paksa Beijing.

Para menteri akan menjelaskan rincian lengkapnya pada hari Senin, (25/3/2024). Wakil Perdana Menteri Oliver Dowden, diperkirakan akan memberi tahu parlemen bahwa Beijing berada di balik gelombang serangan siber ini.

Baca: Hamas Buka Suara Serangan Maut Gedung Konser Moskow, Beri Ini ke Putin

“Data pribadi jutaan pemilih diyakini telah diakses dalam serangan China terhadap proses demokrasi Inggris,” kata para menteri dikutip The Guardian.

Selain Dowden, sekelompok kecil politisi yang bersikap hawkish terhadap China juga dikatakan telah dipanggil untuk mendapatkan pengarahan oleh direktur keamanan parlemen, Alison Giles, sehubungan dengan kegiatan tersebut.

Mereka termasuk mantan pemimpin Konservatif Sir Iain Duncan Smith, mantan menteri Tim Loughton, rekan crossbench Lord Alton dan anggota parlemen SNP Stewart McDonald. Keempatnya adalah anggota kelompok penekan Aliansi Antar-Parlemen untuk China (Ipac), yang berfokus pada isu terkait Beijing.

“Sekitar setahun yang lalu, kementerian luar negeri Belgia dan Perancis secara terbuka mengonfirmasi bahwa (China) mensponsori serangan siber terhadap anggota kami,” kata direktur eksekutif Ipac, Luke de Pulford.

“Negara-negara lain telah melakukan hal yang sama secara pribadi. Beijing tidak merahasiakan keinginan mereka untuk menyerang politisi asing yang berani menentang mereka.”

Sementara itu, reformasi undang-undang spionase Inggris terus berjalan melalui parlemen. RUU kewenangan investigasi (amandemen) juga akan dibahas di DPR pada hari Senin.

Baca: Krisis Laut Merah Makan Korban Baru, Kapal Tanker China Dirudal Houthi

Undang-undang tersebut, yang dirancang untuk memastikan kerangka kewenangan investigasi Inggris terhadap ancaman yang terus berkembang, mencakup langkah-langkah untuk memudahkan lembaga negara memeriksa dan menyimpan data dalam jumlah besar.

Jika disahkan, undang-undang tersebut akan memperbarui elemen Investigatory Powers Act 2016 yang dianggap memerlukan penyegaran berdasarkan tinjauan undang-undang yang diterbitkan oleh Kementerian Dalam Negeri pada Februari 2023.

Sisa 7 Bulan di Kabinet, Ini Deretan PR Kominfo


4 Bulan Bangun 5 Ribu BTS, Cek Lokasi Tol Langit Jokowi Foto: Ilustrasi infrastruktur telekomunikasi/ Ilham Restu

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Masa kerja Kabinet Joko Widodo (Jokowi)-Ma’aruf Amin masih tersisa sekitar 7 bulan lagi. Sebelum pasangan Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka memimpin, ternyata Kementerian Kominfo masih punya banyak PR.

Wakil Menteri Kominfo Nezar Patria mengaku kementeriannya masih punya banyak pekerjaan rumah, salah satunya terkait penyelesaian pembangunan infrastruktur telekomunikasi. Termasuk pembangunan BTS 4G yang masih tersisa. Selain itu juga memastikan konektivitas terjaga dengan baik.

Sejumlah regulasi juga tengah digodok di Kementerian Kominfo, mulai dari turunan UU Pelindungan Data Pribadi yang akan berbentuk Peraturan Pemerintah.

“UU PDP kita sedang mengatur yang namanya PP-nya, peraturan pemerintahnya,” kata Nezar, ditemui di Kominfo, Jumat (22/8/2024).

PILIHAN REDAKSICerita BAKTI Kominfo Diprotes Saat Bangun Infrastruktur di Wilayah RIPemkab Seluma Ajukan 52 Titik Lokasi Akses Internet Baru

Selain itu juga akan ada aturan tambahan Artificial Intelligence. Bisa berbentuk Peraturan Presiden atau Peraturan Menteri Kominfo.

“Hal yang lain, kita juga meningkatkan diseminasi soal anti-hoax, disinformasi dan disinformasi. Itu menjadi program prioritas sampai dengan Oktober ini,” ungkap Nezar.

Hal lain yang perlu dilakukan adalah mendukung pembangunan infrastruktur dan interoperabilitas untuk menciptakan sistem pemerintahan berbasis elektronik. Ini dilakukan dengan kerja sama antar kementerian yang disebut sebagai SPBE.

Sistem itu direncanakan bisa dilakukan sebelum Oktober. Pemerintah juga membentuk satuan tugas untuk mendorong sistem itu bisa berjalan.

“kita sudah membentuk Satgas, kita bekerja sama dengan Kemenpanrb untuk mendorong, speed up, mengakselerasi beberapa prioritas-prioritas penting untuk dilakukan menuju launching sebelum Oktober ini,” jelas

Menteri ESDM Blak-blakan Soal Kewenangan Pencabutan IUP, Siapa Berhak?


Menteri ESDM Arifin Tasrif RDP dengan Komisi VII DPR. (YouTube/Komisi VII DPR RI Channel) Foto: Menteri ESDM Arifin Tasrif RDP dengan Komisi VII DPR. (YouTube/Komisi VII DPR RI Channel)

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif kembali buka suara perihal kewenangan Menteri Investasi atau Kepala BKPM Bahlil Lahdalia yang mencabut Izin Usaha Pertambangan (IUP) beberapa waktu lalu.

Menteri Arifin menyebutkan bahwa, sejatinya pemerintah membentuk Satuan Tugas (Satgas) untuk percepatan investasi. Di mana, di dalam percepatan investasi itu, sektor Minerba mengevaluasi izin yang dikeluarkan.

Sebagaimana diketahui, Untuk menata IUP yang tak produktif itu, Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi) mengeluarkan Keputusan Presiden (Kepres) Nomor 1 Tahun 2022 tentang Satuan Tugas Penataan Penggunaan Lahan dan Penataan Investasi. Kepres ini tertanggal 20 Januari 2022. Dalam Kepres tersebut, Bahlil didapuk sebagai ketua satuan tugas (satgas).

Baca: Menteri ESDM Belum Setuju Usulan Tambahan Industri Penikmat Gas Murah

“Ternyata yang di cek dari RKAB 2017 banyak yang tidak memenuhi, jadi yang pertama gak ada kemudian status pailit itu dicabut atas nama Satgas. Di luar itu wewenangnya di ESDM. hanya yang itu saja yang dibersihkan, sesudah ada UU 3/2020 itu kan memang izin ditarik ke pusat,” ungkap Menteri Arifin, di Kantor Kementerian ESDM, Jumat (22/3/2024).

Sebelumnya, Menteri ESDM Arifin Tasrif mengungkapkan Satgas bisa memutuskan pencabutan IUP asal disesuaikan dengan rekomendasi yang sudah disepakati. Artinya, sebelum melakukan pencabutan IUP, harus ada rekomendasi ke Kementerian ESDM. “Ya karena kalau sudah memenuhi (persyaratan pencabutan IUP) tidak ada lagi 2 channel. Karena tim kami juga ada di sana, di Satgas,” jelasnya.

Walaupun begitu, Arifin tetap menekankan bahwa kebijakan untuk bisa menghidupkan ataupun mencabut IUP di luar 2.078 IUP yang diurus oleh Satgas tersebut, masih menjadi kewenangan dari Kementerian dan bukan kewenangan Satgas.

“Hanya untuk yang 2.078 (IUP) ini. Sisanya, di luar itu, tetap jadi wewenang Kementerian. Itu kan data evaluasi kita pada saat ditarik kewenangan dari daerah ke pusat,” tandasnya.

Yuk Ikut! Mudik Gratis Pakai Kapal Laut Dibuka, Begini Cara Daftarnya


Foto aerial yang memperlihatkan sejumlah kendaraan yang akan menyeberang ke Sumatera mengantre untuk memasuki kapal ferry di Pelabuhan Merak Banten, Rabu (5/5/2021) dinihari. Jelang larangan mudik pada 6 Mei 2021, Pelabuhan Merak mengoperasikan 29 kapal roro untuk melayani penyeberangan penumpang menuju Pelabuhan Bakauheni. (CNBC Indonesia/ Andrean Kristianto) Foto: Foto aerial yang memperlihatkan sejumlah kendaraan yang akan menyeberang ke Sumatera mengantre untuk memasuki kapal ferry di Pelabuhan Merak Banten, Rabu (5/5/2021) dinihari. Jelang larangan mudik pada 6 Mei 2021, Pelabuhan Merak mengoperasikan 29 kapal roro untuk melayani penyeberangan penumpang menuju Pelabuhan Bakauheni. (CNBC Indonesia/ Andrean Kristianto)

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Kementerian Perhubungan menyelenggarakan Program Mudik Gratis menggunakan kapal dari berbagai pelabuhan embarkasi/pemberangkatan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Program ini melayani 47 ruas dengan jumlah keberangkatan arus mudik dan balik sebanyak 91 perjalanan dan dikoordinir oleh PT. Pelni dan 3 operator swasta yakni PT. Dharma Indah, PT. Dharma Lautan Utaman, dan PT. Pelayaran Sakti Inti Makmur.

“Rencananya, program akan dilaksanakan mulai tanggal 25 Maret hingga 9 April 2024 untuk arus mudik dan tanggal 12 hingga 25 April 2024 untuk arus balik,” kata Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Laut, Capt. Antoni Arif Priadi, Sabtu (16/3/2024).

Baca: Tol Ini Berlaku One Way Saat Mudik & Balik Lebaran 2024, Cek Jadwalnya

Untuk memenuhi syarat mendapatkan tiket gratis, penumpang dapat menghubungi operator kapal dan wajib membawa serta menunjukkan KTP (Kartu Tanda Penduduk), penumpang yang berangkat harus sesuai dengan KTP yang dimiliki. Dilarang keras membawa benda berbahaya dan minuman keras, serta program ini hanya berlaku untuk kategori kelas ekonomi.

“Jumlah total kuota tiket gratis penumpang kapal laut pada masa angkutan lebaran tahun 2024 sebanyak 47.194,” ujar Capt.

Strategi Bos InJourney untuk Salip Bisnis Event Singapura


Direktur Utama PT Aviasi Pariwisata Indonesia (InJourney) Dony Oskaria. (CNBC Indonesia) Foto: Direktur Utama PT Aviasi Pariwisata Indonesia (InJourney) Dony Oskaria. (CNBC Indonesia)

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Direktur Utama PT Aviasi Pariwisata Indonesia atau InJourney Dony Oskaria menyatakan tekadnya untuk mendorong pariwisata event Indonesia bakal berbicara banyak di kancah ASEAN, termasuk potensi menyalip bisnis event Singapura. Belakangan, Singapura kerap menjadi pembicaraan karena berhasil membuat penyanyi Taylor Swift manggung di negara tersebut.

Hadirnya Taylor membangkitkan efek multiplier yang besar bagi perekonomian negara tersebut.

Baca: Mengintip Hotel Taylor Swift di Singapura, Rp 217 Juta Permalam

“Multiplier efek ekonomi. Kita akan menghitung berapa besar ekonomi impact-nya dari event yang kita lakukan. Yang terakhir baru return on investment-nya jadi tidak dibalik nah ini kan butuh kesadaran kolektif, kalau tidak nanti dibikin bahwa event ini untungnya apa. Tetapi buat pemerintah kan indirect impact-nya yang penting. Ya itu juga dilakukan oleh Singapura dengan Taylor Swift-nya, yang menjadi berita fundamental. Inilah yang kita kejar nanti,” kata Dony dalam Profit CNBC Indonesia, Jumat (15/3/2024).

Untuk mewujudkannya, InJourney bekerja sama dengan Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif serta Kementerian Perhubungan. Kesamaan visi antara Menteri terkait dibutuhkan untuk mendorong sektor pariwisata ini bisa tumbuh, termasuk kolaborasi dengan Kementerian Perhubungan dan Kemenparekraf mengenai air connectivity kolaborasi mengenai tourism fund.

Sektor pariwisata di Bali utamanya perhotelan di Nusa Dua, kelimpahan cuan karena Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) G20. (CNBC Indonesia/Tri Susilo)Foto: Sektor pariwisata di Bali utamanya perhotelan di Nusa Dua, kelimpahan cuan karena Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) G20. (CNBC Indonesia/Tri Susilo)
Sektor pariwisata di Bali utamanya perhotelan di Nusa Dua, kelimpahan cuan karena Konferensi Tingkat Tinggi (KTT) G20. (CNBC Indonesia/Tri Susilo)

“Kolaborasi kita mengenai event bahkan event-event kan kolaborasi Injourney dengan Kementerian Pariwisata, nah ini kita harapkan kolaborasi ini semakin kuat sehingga kita juga mampu mengalahkan kompetitor-kompetitor kita di Asia Tenggara ini,” ucapnya.

Untuk mencapai target itu, di tahun 2023 lalu sektor pariwisata di Indonesia sudah mulai tumbuh, khususnya di domestic tourism. Namun jika membandingkan recovery rate dengan 2019 masih belum mencapai 100%.

Apabila dibandingkan dengan negara-negara kompetitor seperti Thailand sudah kembali ke 100% sebelum pandemi.

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“Jadi sudah mencapai kembali 39 juta kunjungan per tahun. Kemudian bahkan Malaysia lebih tinggi daripada tahun 2019, begitu juga Vietnam dan Singapura,” sebutnya.

“Jadi di satu sisi bahwa memang terjadi recovery yang cukup baik, tetapi ini kita tidak boleh berpuas diri karena kompetitor kita tumbuh jauh lebih tinggi daripada kita. Ini satu tantangan buat kita juga. Nah karena itu pemerintah sebetulnya menurut saya baik itu melalui Injourney maupun melalui Kementerian Pariwisata sudah menerapkan berbagai macam strategi,” tutup Dony.

Ini Mobil Paling Gak Laku di RI, Cuma Terjual 20 Unit


Sales marketing menawarkan produk mobil di Tunas Daihatsu Tebet, Jakarta, Selasa (16/6). Pandemi corona membuat angka penjualan mobil di Indonesia mengalami penurunan drastis. Penjualan mobil bulan lalu anjlok hingga 95 persen bila periode yang sama tahun 2019.
Berdasarkan data Gabungan Industri Kendaraan Bermotor Indonesia (Gaikindo) yang diperoleh detikOto dari PT Astra International Tbk, pada bulan kelima tahun 2020, industri otomotif hanya mampu mengirim 3.551 unit mobil baru. Angka ini merosot 95 % dibanding bulan Mei 2019, di mana saat itu mencapai 84.109 unit. Angka ini merupakan penjualan berupa wholesales atau distribusi dari pabrik ke dealer. Seperti diketahui, banyak pabrik otomotif di Indonesia yang berhenti produksi sementara di tengah pandemi COVID-19. Wajar jika distribusinya pada Mei 2020 anjlok drastis. Adapun mengatasi penurunan banyak pabrikan otomotif  menawarkan paket penjualan khusus demi mendongkrak penjualan. Rendi selaku supervisor di Tunas Daihatsu Tebet mengatakan  Foto: Penjualan Kendaraan (CNBC Indonesia/ Muhammad Sabki)

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Sejumlah merek mobil berlomba untuk meningkatkan penjualan unit selama Januari-Februari 2024. Namun ternyata ada sejumlah merek yang angka penjualannya cukup minim.

Mengutip data penjualan mobil PT Astra International Tbk, penjualan wholesales (pabrik ke dealer) mobil merek Peugeot hanya meraih penjualan 20 unit. Angka penjualan mobil Peugeot merupakan yang terendah selama Januari-Februari 2024. Bahkan sepanjang tahun lalu angka penjualannya hanya 199 unit.

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Selain Peugeot, ada sejumlah merek mobil yang angka penjualannya cukup rendah, seperti Nissan yang hanya 207 unit, UD Trucks 315 unit, Wuling 3.377 unit, Isuzu hanya 4.595 unit, serta Hyundai hanya mampu meraih penjualan 5.431 unit.

Sementara itu, Toyota + Lexus masih memuncaki pangsa pasar mobil nasional dengan penjualan wholesales sebanyak 44.843 unit hingga Februari 2024. Berikutnya, Daihatsu membukukan penjualan wholesales sebanyak 29.451 unit. Setelah itu, ada Honda yang mencetak penjualan wholesales sebanyak 17.494 unit.

The logo of French car maker maker Peugeot is seen outside a technical center Tuesday, May 26, 2020 in Villacoublay, west of Paris. French President Emmanuel Macron is set to unveil on Tuesday new measures to rescue the country's car industry, which has been hammered by the virus lockdown and the resulting recession. The issue is politically sensitive, since France is proud of its auto industry, which employs 400,000 people in the country and is a big part of its manufacturing sector. (AP Photo/Michel Euler)Foto: Peugeot (AP/Michel Euler)
The logo of French car maker maker Peugeot is seen outside a technical center Tuesday, May 26, 2020 in Villacoublay, west of Paris. French President Emmanuel Macron is set to unveil on Tuesday new measures to rescue the country’s car industry, which has been hammered by the virus lockdown and the resulting recession. The issue is politically sensitive, since France is proud of its auto industry, which employs 400,000 people in the country and is a big part of its manufacturing sector. (AP Photo/Michel Euler)

Mitsubishi Motors meraih penjualan wholesales sebanyak 17.240 unit. Adapun Suzuki mencatatkan penjualan wholesales sebanyak 11.130 unit.

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Secara keseluruhan, penjualan mobil mengalami penurunan pada 2 bulan pertama tahun 2024 yaitu terkoreksi 22,6% year on year (YoY). Angkanya menjadi 140.273 unit pada periode Januari-Februari 2024, dibandingkan periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya yakni 181.329 unit.

Secara bulanan, penjualan wholesales mobil nasional naik hampir 1,5% menjadi 70.656 unit pada Februari 2024, dibandingkan bulan 2024 sebanyak 69.617 unit.